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Step 1 - Call it in:

If your child will be absent or tardy, please call the Sedgwick Attendance line at 860-570-6501, Press 1. Leave your child's full name and grade, along with the reason for the tardiness or absence.

Step 2 - Written Requirement:

In order to comply with State of Connecticut Statute for attendance, all absences will be unexcused until a written note is received by the school. A parent/guardian note will be accepted for absences which meet the criteria for excused absence. For the students' tenth absence, and all thereafter, documentation of the absence must be submitted by a medical professional, unless the absence meets criteria outlined below. You will receive a call from our electronic system to remind you of a written requirement for absences. Thank you for your cooperation and partnership.


Connecticut law requires that children attend school regularly during the hours and terms that the public school is in session, unless specifically exempted from attendance by law. The superintendent of schools shall establish such procedures as deemed necessary to determine the causes of habitual truancy, including medical verification for excessive absence, and shall cooperate with other private and governmental agencies in correcting the causes thereof.

Experience indicates that regular school attendance is important for school success. These regulations reflect our belief that classroom learning activities are an essential part of the curriculum for all students and are intended to reduce tardiness and absence from class. (Section 5310 of School Code) The Connecticut State Board of Education adopted new definitions for an absence to be considered excused (see table below). It is important to note that while the first nine absences in a school year can be deemed excused for any reason the parent/caregiver provides, the tenth and each subsequent absence establish a more stringent and specific set of reasons for the absence to qualify as excused.

In cases of an excused absence other than family-initiated travel, appropriate provisions will be made by school staff regarding assistance with missed assignments, homework and tests. When an excused absence is the result of family initiated travel, teachers are under no obligation to provide advance assignments or to revew work missed during the period of absence. However, students must be allowed to take make-up tests. The student’s Assistant Principal must be notified in writing of extended absences due to family-initiated travel.

Level 1: Between 1 and 9 absences

Acceptable Reasons for a Student Absence to Be Considered Excused: 

  • Any reason that the student’s parent or guardian approves.

Documentation required within 10 Days**: 

  • Parent or caregiver note only.

Level 2: 10+ absences

Acceptable Reasons for a Student Absence to Be Considered Excused: 

  • Student illness (Note: to be deemed excused, an appropriately licensed medical professional must verify all student illness absences, regardless of the absence’s length).
  • Student’s observance of a religious holiday.
  • Death in the student’s family or other emergency beyond the control of the student’s family.
  • Mandated court appearances (additional documentation required).
  • The lack of transportation that is normally provided by a district other than the one the student attends (parental documentation is not required for this reason).
  • Extraordinary educational opportunities pre approved by district administrators. (Opportunities must meet certain criteria).

Documentation required within 10 Days**: 

  • Parent or caregiver note and in some cases additional documentation (see details of specific reason).

* Note: The total number of days absent includes both excused and unexcused absences.
**Suspensions do not require documentation.